
Your Guide

R. Ryan

Aloha ‘Oe! Whether this is an existing friendship being brought to another level or a new business relationship I’m eager to share all that my passionate pursuits of financial literacy and creating a legacy of wealth creation with you. As long as I can remember I’ve always had a desire to provide for others. My entrepreneurial journey has brought me to realizing that my DRIVE is connecting people. I’m fascinated by opportunity and weighing out value & worth. And a big proponent of mentoring and on the job trainings. Raised to “Leave it better than you found it”. And taking action as a Go-Doer & Keeper, I find myself as business builder & financial philosopher.. While considering myself more of a guide or team captain rather a coach. Instead of telling others what to do, I’m willing and able to allow others to follow my lead.

Wealth Artistry is a mentality on your relationships with time and money! I imagine you were raised similarly to myself; work hard, saving your money, get a good job, happy life. Yet still living paycheck to paycheck. It’s called the Rat Race and it’s lame. We often speak & think of getting out of the Rat Race by trading more time for more dollars. The average person gets caught in that trap. Optimistically hoping to transition externally to get out to a different race track and being quote successful.. Leaving most to becoming broke at a higher level….. MORE MONEY, MORE PROBLEMS Getting out is still part of the construct linked to not being financially literate.

Wealth Artistry is a shift in your perspective away from attempting to escape the race outward. Once we adjust our mindset toward getting inward we discover opportunities and resources that have been there the whole time. Missing the actual path to getting ahead financially by playing with the wrong mindset. Recognizing there’s a different puzzle to solve; a different game to play, we discover the Money Maze and finding a deeper level to develop True Value of wealth.

The attitude in the Money Maze is vastly different than the Rat Race. Abundance not Scarcity. Haves not Have-nots. Individual responsibility not Excuses. Most importantly there are different rules to play by (not just philosophical speaking) Having your money make you money instead your liabilities continually cost more and more time. To unlock the Maze it’s paramount to assess your views on time and money.

Where we are drawing a financial picture for you to create some family wealth. Centered on Equity Acceleration, Graduating from being Debt-Free, and Financial Mastery. I believe KEEPING your $ is more important that trying to save left-overs or even making it in the first place.

So stick around, you’ll be empower to hand craft your legacy of wealth as a fellow student-practitioner. At times, especially at the beginning, it can be overwhelming to change your beliefs. So surround yourself with people that have the right mindset. Only concern yourself with taking one step at a time. Be assured I’m just little ahead of you and wouldn’t ask something I haven’t done myself.

A hui hou,
R. Ryan